Unattended Installation of Max Clients via Group Policy



Introduction. 3

Setup Installation Packages for Remote Deployment. 3

Deploying MaxCommunicator/MaxCommunicator for OCS. 4

Creating the Group Policy. 5

Deploying Shared Installation Packages. 5

Deploying MaxCommunicator/MaxCommunicator for OCS. 10

Deploying MaxAgent/MaxAgent for OCS. 10

Deploying to the Same Target Client Machines as MaxCommunicator. 10

Deploying to Other Target Client Machines. 11

Deploying MaxOutlook. 11

Deploying MaxSupervisor. 13

Upgrading MaxClients. 13

Initial Package Installation on the Client Machine. 14

Important Notes


This document covers remote deployment of MaxClients (including MaxCommunicator, MaxAgent, MaxOutlook, MaxSupervisor, MaxCommunicator for OCS and MaxAgent for OCS) by Group Policy (GP) in Active Directory.

-Microsoft Domain environment capable of remotely deploying MSI packages to client machines.

-Domain controller OS: Windows 2003 SP1 or above.

-Client machine OS:  XP SP2 32bit or above, 2003 SP1 32bit or above, Vista Business 32/64bit or above or Windows 7 32/64bit.

-MAXCS 8.5

-SharedModules from AltiGen, located here for


The following environment was used:
-Domain Name: RD   
-Domain Controller machine name: rd-domain, OS: Windows 2003 Server Edition SP1     

Setting up installation packages for remote deployment

There are three installation packages necessary for remote deployment. The SharedModules folder, the client installation folder (the installation folder for MaxCommunicator, MaxAgent,  MaxOutlook, MaxSupervisor, MaxCommunicator for OCS or MaxAgent for OCS), and if remotely deploying MaxOutlook the Apps4MaxOutlook folder is also needed.

The SharedModules folder should contain several sub-folders and one zipped file DotNetFramework20a.zip. Unzip the DotNetFramework20a.zip under a new sub-folder DotNetFramework20a.

Apps4MaxOutlook folder should contain DotNet35.zip, VSTO.zip and sub-folder PIA. Unzip DotNet35.zip under a new sub-folder DotNet35 and unzip VSTO.zip under a new sub-folder VSTO.

Create a folder on domain controller machine, such as D:\AltiGenRDPackages, and copy the SharedModules folder and product installation folder(s) to it. Remember to copy the Apps4MaxOutlook folder to D:\AltiGenRDPackages if you are  deploying MaxOutlook.  Here is an example of what the directory structure should look like on the domain controller:

Share the AltiGenRDPackages folder and make sure the client machines can be accessed from the client machines . The share name would be \\MachineName\AltiGenRDPackages where MachineName is the name of the domain controller.

Deploy MaxCommunicator/MaxCommunicator for OCS

MaxCommunicator OCS and MaxCommunicator use the same deployment steps, so here we will use the MaxCommunicator deployment as our example. Please note, when deploying MaxCommunicator for OCS remotely, MS Office Communicator 2007 R2 should be installed on the client machine first, or the remote deployment will fail.

Create Group for Target Client Machines

Open Start Menu>Administrative Tools>Active Directory Users and Computers on the domain controller, select the domain name and then right click to create an Organizational Unit (OU) named MaxCommunicatorMachines.

Move the target client machines from DomainName>Computers to DomainName> MaxCommunicatorMachines.


Deploy Shared Installation Packages

(1) Create Group Policy

Right click the OU MaxCommunicatorMachines to open the property dialog, and switch to the page of Group Policy.

Click the New button to create two Group Policy Objects (GPO): DeploySharedModules1 and DeploySharedModules2.

(2) Configure Group Policy Object DeploySharedModules1

Select the GPO DeploySharedModules1 and click the Edit button to open the Group Policy Object Editor.

1.  Go to Computer Configuration>Software Settings>Software installations, and right click to new a package.

2. Input the network path of AltiGenRDPackage in the Open dialog, not a local path. Click the Open button, then go to the sub-folder SharedModules\ISScriptEngine to select the ISScript9.Msi file. Click the Open button again.

3. Select Assigned and Click OK button


4. Wait until a new entry appears in the right windows.


Repeat the step 1~4 to create other two packages: MSXML 6.0 Parser and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Package 1. The network paths of MSI packages are \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\DotNetFramework20a\MSXML6_x86\ msxml6.msi and \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\DotNetFramework20a\NETFX20_x86\netfx20a_x86.msi.

Finally, the installation packages for DeploySharedModules1 will be listed.

Go to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Installer, set the “Always install with elevated privileges” to Enabled as in the following picture. Ensure this configuration is set for every GPO you setup.

Close the Group Policy Object Editor.

(3) Configure Group Policy Object DeploySharedModules2

Select the group policy object DeploySharedModules2 and click the Edit button to open the Group Policy Object Editor.

Follow the steps used to create packages in the Group Policy Object Editor for DeploySharedModules1 to do the same for DeploySharedModules2. The following table lists the Module name and related network path of MSI package.


Package Name

Network path of MSI package


\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\AltiGenJLIB\AltiGenJLIB.msi

Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005

\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\VS2005PIA\VS_2005_PIA.msi

Microsoft Unified Communications Client API SDK

\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\MicrosoftUCCAP\UccApiSdk.msi


\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages \SharedModules\OutlookAccessAddin\OutlookAccessAddInSetup.msi


Finally, the installation packages for DeploySharedModules2 will be listed:


(4) Configure Or der of Group Policy Object

According to M icrosoft, GPOs higher in the list have the highest priority, and high priority GPOs will overwrite the low priority ones. So, we will apply the low priority GPO to te client machines first and the high priority ones will be applied last. To ensure the packages of DeploySharedModules1are installed first, click the Up/Down button to move DeploySharedModules1 move to the last position.

Deploy MaxCommunicator/MaxCommunicator for OCS

Right click the OU MaxCommunicatorMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers to open the property dialog, and switch to the page of Group Policy. Create a new GPO named DeployMaxCommunicator, and edit this GPO.

Create a n ew package and select ain/AltiGenRDPackages/MaxCommunicator/%20MaxCommunicator%206.5.msi">\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxCommunicator\ MaxCommunicator 6.5.msi.

We want DeployMaxCommunicator to be installed at the last, so move the DeployMaxCommunicator to the highest position in the Grou p Policy configure dialog.


Deploying MaxAgent/MaxAgent for OCS

MaxAgent OCS and MaxAgent use the same deploym ent steps, so here we will use the MaxAgent deployment as our example. Please note, when deploying MaxAgent for OCS remotely, MS Office Communicator 2007 R2 should be installed on the client machine first, or the remote deployment will fail.

Copy the MaxAgent installation folder to the distribute folder AltiGenRDPackages on domain controller machine.

Deploy to the Same Target Client Machines as MaxCommunicator

Right click the OU MaxCommunicatorMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers to open the property dialog, and switch to the page of Group Policy. Create a new GPO DeployMaxAgent, and create a new package (Select \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxAgent\MaxAgent 6.5.msi) in this GPO. Also move the DeployMaxAgent to the highest position in the Group Policy configure dialog.

Deploy to Other Target Client Machines

Create a new OU MaxAgentMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers, and move the target client machines from DomainName>Computers to DomainName> MaxAgentMachines.

Right click the OU MaxAgentMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers and click properties, then switch to the page of Group Policy. Since GPOs for deploy SharedModules should have already been created in the previous sections, click the Add button to insert the existing GPOs DeploySharedModules1 and DeploySharedModules2.

Then create a new GPO called DeployMaxAgent, and create a new package (Select \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxAgent\MaxAgent 6.5.msi) in this GPO.

The GPO order in the MaxAgentMachines Group Policy should be DeployMaxAgent, DeploySharedModules2, and then DeploySharedModules1.

Deploying MaxOutlook

Copy the MaxOutlook installation folder and Apps4MaxOutlook folder to the distribute folder AltiGenRDPackages on the domain controller.

Create a new OU named MaxOutlookMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers, and move the target client machines from DomainName>Computers to DomainName> MaxOutlookMachines. Please note:

1.             The OU for 64 bit and 32 bit clients is different, so if your site has a mix of 32 and 64 bit clients machines, two OUs will need to be created. Put all 32 bit OS client machines to one OU, and put all 64 bit OS client machines to another OU.

2.             The client machines should have MS Outlook 2003 or 2007 installed prior to remote deployment of MaxOutlook, or the deployment will fail.

Right click the OU MaxOutlookMachines in Active Directory Users and Computers and click properties, click the Group Policy tab. Add the existing GPO DeploySharedModules1 and DeploySharedModules2. Create the following GPOs and then create the following packages for these GPOs.

GPO Name

Package Name

Network path of MSI package


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 1

(For 32bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\NETFX30_x86\netfx30a_x86.msi

(For 64bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\NETFX30_x64\netfx30a_x64.msi


(For 32bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\RGBRAST_x86\RGB9RAST_x86.msi 

(For 64bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\ RGBRAST_x64\RGB9RAST_x64.msi




Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

(For 32bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\netfx35_x86\vs_setup.msi 

(For 64bit OU) \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\Apps4MaxOutlook\DotNet35\ netfx35_x64\vs_setup.msi





Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Runtime


Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime



Microsoft Office 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies


Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies




\\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxOutlook\MaxOutlook 6.5 Update1.msi  


After all GPOs are created, rearrange them in the list so the GPOs have the following order from top to bottom.

1.       DeployMaxOutlook

2.       DeployPIA

3.       DeployVSTO

4.       DeployDotNet35

5.       DeployDotNet31

6.       DeploySharedModules2

7.       DeploySharedModules1

Deploying MaxSupervisor

Copy the MaxSupervisor installation folder to the AltiGenRDPackages folder on the domain controller.

Create an OU for MaxSupervisor client machines, and create a GPO named DeployMaxSupervisor for this OU. Create a package MaxSupervisor in this GPO by \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxSupervisor\MaxSupervisor 6.5 Update1.msi. And then insert the existing GPO DeploySharedModules1.

Set GPO DeployMaxSupervisor list to be at the top position and DeploySharedModules1 list to be at the bottom position.

Upgrading MaxClients

If a new version of MaxClients is available, just create a new package for the new version MaxClients in existing GPO. Here we use MaxCommunicator as an example:

Copy the new version of the MaxCommunicator installation folder to the AltiGenRDPackages folder on domain controller. Open the Group Policy page for the properties of OU MaxCommunicatorMachines, and edit the GPO DeployMaxCommunicator.

Create a new package (Select \\rd-domain\AltiGenRDPackages\MaxCommunicator6.51.300\ MaxCommunicator 6.5Update1.msi.) in this GPO. GPO Edit will automatically recognize this package is an update of the existing package. Please open the package property to confirm, or you can manually add the package to upgrade.


Initial Package Installation on Client Machine

After the domain controller configuration is complete, reboot one client machine. Upon startup, package installation will be initialized.

After MaxOutlook deploys successfully, the client machine will reboot automatically.

Windows XP, Vista and 7 may not initialize the installation on startup. Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa374350(VS.85).aspx for the applicable Group Policy rules.

Alternately, you can create a new GPO for all XP and Vista machines in Active Directory and enable the setting “Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System \ Logon \ Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon.” Reboot all client machines and package installation will be initiated on startup.

Important Notes and Limitations

1.       If deploying a package to client machine which already contains this package, the Windows event log of the client machine may report a warning or error. For example, Windows Vista already contains .NET Framework 2.0 SP1, so the package for .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 will fail to install. You can ignore these kinds of reports; the deployed product will still work fine. However, every time the machine reboots; it will always try to install the package, which will still fail. In our experiments this does slow down the time it takes the machine to boot, but typically not by more than 1 minute.

If you wish to get rid of these error reports, you can put all client machines running the same OS in one OU and don’t assign the packages to client machines that already have them installed. In our experiments, noted the following findings:

1.       The packages of .NET Framework 2.0SP1 and 3.0SP1 are not needed for Windows Vista.

2.       The packages of .NET Framework 2.0SP1, 3.0SP1 and 3.5 are not needed for Windows 7.

3.       If remotely deploying MaxOutlook, the package of Microsoft Office 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies does not need to be assigned when Outlook 2007 is installed on the client machine. The reverse is also true: Microsoft Office 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies does not need to be assigned when Outlook 2003 is installed on the client machine.

2.       This is a limitation: if remotely deploying MaxOutlook to a Windows Vista client machine, make sure Windows Vista SP1 is already installed on this client machine, or the remote deployment will fail. 


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Last Updated
17th of February, 2017


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