As we transition to supporting the newest firmware for our ACM systems for Polycom, there is a workaround solution that you can do to your system to allow you to utilize the upgrade option from the server. This does require either a restart of services or reboot to employ.
From the customer server, do the following:
a. Ignore the Supported VVX Phone: field, this will change in future release.
10. Go to IP Phone, the extensions that have been upgraded will now show black instead of red. Check that in the polycom tab, the upgrade field reads the same.
11. You should now be able to check the upgrade on next for all extensions and in system>polycom configuration and go about business. If you have a new polycom running different firmware, associate it to the server and test. On reboots, the phone should pull the new firmware.
Last Updated
15th of August, 2017