This article describes how to clean up your servers, proxy service, trusted application pool, and users after a conversion from MaxACD 6.5.8 to MaxACD 7.0.
1. Clean up the MaxACD 6.5.8 Server
- If MaxACD 6.5.8 is on a virtual server, you can either stop or delete the virtual server.
- If MaxACD 6.5.8 is on a physical server, uninstall MaxACD 6.5.8 and then uninstall the AltiGen Lync proxy. Remove the C:\altiserv\ and C:\AltiLyncServProxy\ folders.
2. Clean up the AltiGen Lync Proxy service on the Lync Front End Server
a. Uninstall the AltiGen Lync proxy Server service. To do this, go to one of the Lync front-end server control panels, find the AltiGen Lync Server Proxy and uninstall the service.
b. Remove the C:\AltiLyncServProxy\ folder on the front-end server.
c. Repeat these steps on each front-end server.
3. Clean up the Trusted Application Pool and Endpoint
a. Remove the Trusted Application Endpoint.
This process will delete the trusted application endpoint! Consult with your Lync/SfB administrator before make these changes.
1) Run the following command to list the trusted application endpoint created for MaxACD 6.5.8:
Get-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint -Filter {DisplayName -eq "AltiMCSProxy"}
2) Find the SIP address of the endpoint you want to delete.
3) Run the following command to remove the application endpoint:
Remove-CsTrustedApplicationEndpoint -Identity “”
(Use the SIP address found with step 3.a.1)
4) Repeat these steps to delete all the endpoints of MaxACD 6.5.8.
b. Remove the Trusted Application Pool
Do not remove Trusted Application Pool if any trusted application endpoint is still using this pool. Consult with your Lync (SfB) administrator before make the changes.
1) Open Topology Builder and download the latest topology.
2) Find the MaxACD 6.5.8 machines and identify which pool they belong to.
3) Right-click on that pool and click Delete.
4) Publish the topology. This process will change the Lync (SfB) topology.
4. Clean up AD users
a. Open Active Directory Users and Computers from the same domain.
b. Search for the users. The users DisplayName is “AltiGen_” followed by the machine name.
c. Delete those users.
Last Updated
22nd of September, 2017