Backing up
and Restoring SuperQ
June 13, 2008
How to backup and Restore SuperQ 5.0A and 5.2
Distribution: All Dealers
Doc Type: Tech Note
5.0A and 5.2
Application: SuperQ
Hardware: N/A
Keywords: SuperQ,
Backup, Restore, System Data Management
Obsolete: No
This document covers creating a backup of your 5.0A or 5.2 SuperQ configuration, and steps for restoring that backup to another SuperQ system.
All SuperQ configurations are stored in one file: Repository.xml
This configuration file is stored in the following Directory: C:\Program files\AltiGen\SuperQ\SuperQ\
To restore your SuperQ server configuration perform the following steps:
1. Stop the AltiGen Java Service. The service name is AltiGen JService Loader
2. Backup the existing file on the current SuperQ Server. The
Filename is "Repository.xml"
3. On the new or rebuilt server stop the AltiGen Java Service. Replace the
existing Repository.xml file with the copy backed up from step 1.
4. Start the SuperQ Service.
If you would like to backup/restore "Current" CDR data, here are those steps:
1. Stop the SuperQ Service on the existing SuperQ server. Backup the current
SuperQ CDR file "SuperQCDR.mdb" (Default Installation location: C:\Program
2. Stop the SuperQ Service on the NEW SuperQ server. Restore the "SuperQCDR.mdb"
file from step 1 to the SuperQ folder. Overwrite the existing file. (Assumes new
server has not been used, therefore no data currently exists.)
3. Start the SuperQ Service.
Last Updated
24th of February, 2010